Tuesday 10 May 2011

Spring Break 2011 Wicked Camper in Oz Style: Part 1

Australian's call their mid-semester break "study break" and they mean that literally - you're supposed to study. So I disregarded the name and intention, and still called it Spring Break even though its supposed to be fall (still feels like summer). The plan: rent a wicked camper van and drive from Perth to Exmouth with Anna, Amanda, Jens and Robin. Below is a map. You can see how big Australia really is...the little red line was our route. Our trip was about 3000 km but probably more.

The first trial was getting the van. Australia is covered in "Wicked Campers". They all have different designs spray painted on the sides and sayings on the back. The spray painting on ours was not entirely desirable, but I won't get into it. We just hoped that Australian's were used to offensive wicked campers and would take it all with a pinch of salt. I was also the only one who could drive the van initially, because the two other drivers Anna and Amanda didn't have a whole lot of experience driving stick. So...the first time I drove in Australia on the other side of the road was in this old van that didn't seem like it should work from the rental place across the city back to college. Probs the most stressful and terrifying thing I've ever done.
So we headed out early Friday morning, struggled a little negotiating getting out of Perth, turned around a lot of times, then we were on the road headed in the general direction of Kalbarri. Side note for a second, it cost $75 to fill the tank! Stab me in the heart right now. Anyway...it was a super hot day and our first time getting to know our trusty steed, so I was terrified of the engine overheating the entire time because of this sticker:
I think I also knew the most about cars, which is also terrifying, considering that means I've checked oil before.
It was a long day of driving for me (almost 8 hours if I remember correctly) and it was stressful feeling responsible for all those little bodies in the van, but honestly I was so happy. I love being on the road, only stopping when necessary, watching the vegetation change around you, connecting with the land in a different way. We arrived at our destination - Riverside Sanctuary - and it was perfect. It was a converted sheep station (they claimed to be a working station but I don't believe it for a second, but they did have emu and ostrich) with shearers shed, camping area, and kitchen area. First order of business: swim in the river as the sun set. It was heaven after a long drive.

Check out the mud!
Then set up tents, rustle up some grub in the shearing shed, play banana grams, drink Ribena (haven't had that since England!), and study the next days route on the map.
The next morning we woke up super early because I had some teaching to do! Me, Anna and Amanda headed out onto a delightful red dirt road and I taught them both how to drive manual in about 20 minutes. Fastest learners ever! Really - they were amazing. Then we drove like crazies (not - we were so freaking responsible about driving and never drove at night because roos are a SERIOUS problem) up to Coral Bay.
Coral Bay was really little and crowded, so we perused a little then headed out and found another sheep station to stay at for the night. This one was legit though, and it was in the middle of nowhere paradise. Seriously - those people have got it figured out. We drove up and they were having a party in the yard for all the kiddos and the neighbor's escaped ancient pony had joined them. They had all these sheep, an orphaned joey and a gaggle of small children to hang out with. Then it was a similar routine - tents, food, sunset and stargazing, sleep.
I would like to take a moment to comment on how utterly amazing the stars were. The only constellations I recognize are Orion's Belt and the Southern Cross. The rest of the sky is unfamiliar to me. But the milky way - breathtaking and unbelievable. There is not a whole lot of light pollution in the Northeast of Australia. Its pretty remote.
Well I have papers to write, so that is the end of part 1. I know...I only got 2 days in and they've only been driving, and I am way too long-winded. Sorry! But you have Exmouth and Monkey Mia still to look forward, but honestly it was mostly a whole lot of this:
and this:
and this:
and of course this (that's Anna):
and I loved it!

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